5 Common Machining Aluminum Alloys and Their Properties
Aluminum alloys are extremely common in the precision machining industry. Aluminum machining is the process of machining products using aluminum, which is available in a variety of grades, is easy to machine, and is relatively inexpensive. Different types of aluminum alloys can be used in a wide range of machining applications, such as rigid structural components, aerospace parts manufacturing, and more. Using different types of aluminum alloys in machining has unique advantages, but also increases the difficulty of determining the most suitable material. This guide introduces the five most common aluminum alloys for machining, comparing their composition, common applications, and the industries they belong to.

5 Most Commonly Used Machineable Aluminum Alloys
Aluminum 2024
2024 aluminum is one of the most common aluminum alloys used for machining in the 2xxx group.
It is a widely used “duralumin” aluminum and copper alloy material with an excellent strength-to-weight ratio. It is also fatigue-resistant but fairly susceptible to corrosion.
Tensile Strength: 68,000 psi.
Main alloying element: copper
Industries: Automotive, Aerospace, Transportation.
Products: automotive parts, aircraft parts, transportation parts, structural parts, electronic products.
6061 aluminum
6061 aluminum is one of the most common aluminum alloys used for machining in the 6xxx series. It is also one of the most versatile of all machinable alloys, making it a top choice for CNC machining. Aluminum processing uses 6061 aluminum to manufacture a wide range of products. This includes electronics and aircraft parts.
Tensile Strength: 45,000 psi.
Main alloying elements: magnesium, silicon
Industries: General Manufacturing, Aerospace, Consumer Products, Construction
Products: Structural parts, steps, platforms, covers, truck bodies, valves, pipes, aircraft parts, computer parts, electronic products.

Aluminum 7075
This is one of the most common aluminum alloys used for machining and is used in high-stress structural applications. Aluminum 7075 is an important material for manufacturing aircraft structural parts, sports equipment, tools, etc. It is heat treatable, has good ductility, high strength and good toughness. However, it can also become very brittle.
Tensile Strength: 83,000 psi.
Main alloying element: zinc
Industries: Aerospace, transportation, sporting goods.
Products: Aircraft parts, transportation parts, bicycles, golf clubs, weapons.
Non-heat treatable aluminum alloys
Aluminum 3003
Aluminum 3003 is one of the most commonly used aluminum alloy types in aluminum processing (throughout all manufacturing processes). It is an almost pure alloy of aluminum and manganese. It is ideal for making household items such as cooking equipment.
Tensile Strength: 13,000 psi.
Main alloying elements. manganese
industry. Household products, chemicals
product. Cookware, kitchen equipment, water tanks, wainscoting and trim, roofing and chemical equipment.

Aluminum 5052
Strong, machinable, corrosion-resistant 5052 aluminum – made from components such as magnesium and chromium – is widely used in marine applications because of its resistance to corrosion. It is also the non-heat-treated aluminum alloy with the strongest tensile properties.
Tensile Strength: 33,000 psi
Main alloying elements. Magnesium, Chromium
industry. Marine, aerospace, construction, electrical, oil and gas
product. Marine transportation components, heat exchangers, aircraft components, fuel lines, fuel tanks, panels, household appliances, commercial and heavy-duty cooking equipment
Precision machining of aluminum alloys is a popular manufacturing process for aluminum parts products due to the characteristics and properties of aluminum. This article presents the most common aluminum alloys used for machining. It introduces the types of aluminum alloys and by reading this article you will know a thing or two about the different types of aluminum alloys used in product manufacturing.